An article in the Los Angeles/San Francisco Daily Journal on March 19, 2013 reported on the latest filing by plaintiffs in Coleman v. Brown, challenging the State of California’s expert reports.  According to the court filing, “The experts put their names to garbled, confused expert reports lacking any proper foundation, premised upon no apparent methodology, irredeemably tainted by unethical interviews with mentally ill inmates in flagrant disregard of prior orders of this Court, and presenting conclusions that utterly fail to address the critical issues.”

According to RBGG’s Michael Bien, lead attorney for the Coleman plaintiffs, as quoted in the article, “When you look back at their papers that they filed on January 7th, it’s all about their experts.  When you knock that out, what’s left?  I think we did a pretty good job of demonstrating that there’s some serious, serious problems with the experts’ opinions.”