RBGG’s Krista Stone-Manista and Sarah Poppy Alexander, will be co-presenting an Impact Fund webinar on July 20 from 12:00 noon to 1:15pm entitled “Pleading and Certifying Class Action Claims for Injunctive Relief.”  Mary-Lee Smith of Disability Rights Advocates will join Krista and Poppy as a co-presenter for the program.

According to the Impact Fund website, “Injunctive relief is the backbone of civil rights litigation. Injunctions ensure that illegal practices – such as systemic prisoner abuse and discrimination against persons with disabilities – are brought to an end. This webinar will cover practical tips for pleading and certifying class actions seeking injunctive relief, including selecting appropriate class representatives, dealing with standing issues, crafting the class definition, defining the requested injunction, deciding whether to seek preliminary relief, and preparing for discovery and class certification. Our experienced panelists will also discuss important developments in injunctive relief following the Supreme Court’s decision in Wal-Mart v. Dukes.”

1.25 hours MCLE credit available.  Register Here: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/2000375956389929217