A series of editorials and op-eds have appeared in the wake of recent court rulings in favor of the Coleman and Plata plaintiffs urging the State of California to take action on the continuing crisis in California prisons.

California’s continuing prison crisis, New York Times, August 11, 2013

California’s prison mess:  The federal court order to cut the inmate population in state prisons offers an opportunity to revamp criminal justice, Los Angeles Times, August 9, 2013

Finish reducing California’s prison population, Sacramento Bee, June 23, 2013

Jerry Brown, Constitutional Scofflaw, The Atlantic, June 22, 2013

Brown needs to convene prison settlement talks, Sacramento Bee, May 8,2013

Another way on California prisons, Los Angeles Times, May 8, 2013

Living it up at the Hotel California: For Jerry Brown and California’s political leadership, it’s always 1977, The Berkeley Blog, May 6, 2013

Still too many prisoners in California – Gov. Jerry Brown is fighting the courts, but he should be trying harder to curb inmate overcrowding, Los Angeles Times, April 16, 2013

Time to stop defying prison overcrowding order, Erwin Chemerinsky, Los Angeles Daily Journal, April 16, 2013

‘Mass incarceration now, tomorrow, forever’: Gov. Jerry Brown and the politics of court bashing, The Berkeley Blog, April 16, 2013

California’s prison crisis is now a constitutional crisis, Andrew Cohen, The Atlantic, April 14, 2013

Mental illness in California prisons – The Constitution requires better treatment and suicide prevention for inmates, New York Times, April 11

State not done fixing prison mental health, Sacramento Bee, April 10

Jerrry Brown should (still) be ashamed of California prisons, Andrew Cohen, The Atlantic, April 8, 2013